Highfar supply Various Type of Amine Epoxy Curing Agents to meet your demand!

Cycloaliphatic Amine curing agents, Aliphatic Amine curing agents, Aromatic Amine curing agents, Polyether Amine curing agents, Phenalkamine curing agents, Polyamide curing agents, Other mixed Amine curing agents

Product Center

Epoxy Terrazzo/ Colored sand
HF-8702-6 Modified Cycloaliphatic Amine Epoxy curing agent

Product application

HF-8702-6 is an Cycloaliphatic amine curing agent that can be  used for transparent injection molding of jewelry, glass  coatings, transparent electronic packaging coatings, epoxy  colored sand, and epoxy terrazzo flooring

Product performance

  • Good resistance to weather and moisture, and excellent  mechanical performance,

  • Low chroma and odor, and complete reaction at low  temperature,

  • High hardness and selectivity for curing conditions . 

Product parameters

Appearance;Colorless transparent liquid
Amine value(mgKOH/g)250-300
Active hydrogen equivalent 97
Proportioning rate with 128 (epoxide equivalent 190)100:50
Glass transition temperature68℃

Testing Data

Gel time (in combination with 128) 100g


Hardness 100g (Shore D)


2mm Film

Surface Drying time


Actual Drying time


0.2mm Film

Normal Temperature


Heat up to 120℃

25-30 Min


Net Weight is 200 kgs per Drum


Transportation and storage

  • During transportation, it should be protected from rain and sun to prevent packaging damage and moisture;

  • Store in cool and dry conditions, away from sources of fire, strong acids, strong alkalis, and strong oxidants;

  • Sealed and packaged for 1 year from the date of production.

* 1. The above test data are all laboratory data at 25 ℃

* 2. The typical data is obtained from standardized experimental data and represents the general performance of the product. Therefore, it is only for the buyer's reference and not intended as final data.

Sample Application

Highfar National Service Hotline

+86 020-8251 3929
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